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This is the projects archives for all the past projects that have been completed by university students as part of the IXN for the NHS. All projects are open-source to serve humanity.
Projects Archives
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Current Projects
The IXN for the NHS is proud to enable NHS trusts and clinical and health IT teams from across the UK to work and collaborate with universities and their degree-level engineering students as part of their studies. As a key member of the National Framework for Industry Exchange Networks (NFIXN), and in partnership with Apperta Foundation, GOSH DRIVE, the RCGP and Health Education England, we enable projects pipelines to universities from state-of-the-art disciplines including AI in Healthcare, Standards and Interoperability, Data Science, Devices Prototyping, Computer Vision and Holographics, Apps and Web Development, Systems Design, Systems Infrastructure Resilience and Performance Testing, and much more.

We have enabled and empowered development on several national projects, including the GOSH Digital Research Environment, the UK’s FHIR initiatives for interoperability of devices, test framework support of EMIS systems, the OpenEyes Machine Learning pipeline, the UK’s National 3D Printing NHS Service Portal and others. Clinicians are invited to submit proposals for projects at any time for review and dissemination through our operational project pathways with UK universities.

IXN for the NHS